14 December 2012

laizhufu - 北斗七星 (Big Dipper)

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Author: laizhufu
Title: 北斗七星 (Big Dipper)
Date: 2012.12.14

"laizhufu" has sent me this fantastic "Big Dipper"!

In the initial position, placed boxes and not placed boxes, draw a double "Big Dipper" (the seven stars more visible of the Ursa Major). The goals area is the Chinese number seven, 七 (by the 7 stars). The interior walls are the Chinese characters - though slightly deformed - 北斗 (above) and 星 (below), so that together with the character 七 (goals area) they form the word 北斗七星 ("Big Dipper").

A nice maze! The imagination of "laizhufu" is surprising and inexhaustible ... Thanks a lot!

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